Leaving Lisbon and the crazy traffic around this city, I started driving north to get to Porto. I had a few ideas where I wanted to stop on the way and also found some nice places by chance.
But first I spent one sleepness night at the coast because of heavy wind and rain. It was so loud! The road, that had been bad the day before without rain, was even worse the next day. So many potholes and the main road was flooded! Puh. I was very happy when I made it to Ericeira safely! The town is quite cute and I even got some sun. And I got my laundry done. So nothing too exciting happening in Ericeira :)

Next on my list was Nazaré. Mostly because it was on the way anyway and I've heard about that village because it's home of the world's biggest waves. I did some research before and the timing was just not right. When I was in Nazaré the waves were far away from being big :) A bit disappointing but that's life... When I was at Praia Norte the preparations for the Big Wave Challenge 2024 started. Yeah. As my brother said: The right place but the wrong time :) Still it was a nice stop on the way to Porto...

Then I just kept driving north without any plan. I was passing Lagoa Ervedeira and because it just looked so beautiful, I stopped there and spent the whole afternoon at and around this cute lake! First I went for a walk and then for a run :) It was so peaceful!
Probably it would have also been a nice place to spend the night, but it felt too remote and secluded for me being alone in the campervan. Therefore I spent the night in Figueira da Foz on an official campervan parking. And again I was surprised how quiet the night was, although I was surrounded by motorhomes.

My last and favourite stop was Costa Nova, a tiny fishing village. The beach was absolutely stunning and these cute colourful houses made my day!

Kommentar schreiben
Barbara Lütticke (Sonntag, 28 Januar 2024 14:46)
Wie immer traumhaft schöne Fotos
Liebe Grüße Barbara
Barbara (Sonntag, 28 Januar 2024 19:23)
@Barbara: Danke dir! Obrigada :) Liebe Grüße!